Today , we try to make a handwriting analysis testing with document examination equipment HS3B.
We use two different ink pen with same colour, one pen is A, another pen is B.
In handwirting , It’s impossible to recognize 2 pens with eyesight. I write “test” with A pen under the letter “A”, write another “test” with B pen under the letter”B”
Then I try to wirte two “test” on the bottom part , one is written by A pen , another one is written by B pen . Can you recognize which “test” is written by A pen and which “test” is wrriten by B pen?
I use our document examination equipment HS3B to recognize them .When I amplify 15X and using UV365nm light , I found the difference between A pen and B pen.
A pen written “test” is full,but B pen written “test” has some space
Then I use document examination equipment HS3B to detect two “test” on the bottom
I easily recognize which one is written by A pen and which one is written by B pen
Each pen and each handwriting has its own character ,HS3B’s light source(UVA UVC IR Blue Laser white ATK) and amplification help you found these character and recognize them
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